Marcel Duchamp is well known for his piece Fountain from 1917. Fountain is a readymade piece; a urinal placed upside down.
Collages are works that consist of cut out pieces of (usually) paper items that portray a message through a composition synthesized with the pieces of paper.
but varies in that the artist uses actual photographs or representations of photographs found in printed works.
Raoul Hausmann’s ABCD (Self Portrait), a photomontage from 1923-24.
Assemblages are also like collages, but they vary in that they are three-dimensional pieces assembled (hence the name) to produce a composition with or without meaning.
Raoul Hausmann’s Mechanical Head,” ca. 1920.
Vamping was very popular. Popular toys of the time included the Erector Set, Tinker Toys, and Lincoln logs. The Quija board was also popular at the time, along with speed since the Model T was very popular due to its affordability. Other fads included Ballroom dancing, "dance crazes" like the Fox Trot and the Tango, and ocean liners.
American Cultural History - The Twentieth Century